Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Buzz Words

Until this year, I've resisted using buzz words to market Patty Pan's products. I'm talking about those convenient short hand terms that consumers use to make quick decisions about whether they want to buy. When customers asked whether all of the ingredients were organic I used to answer, "Anyone who tells you that all of their ingredients are organic is lying." (Really? Organic salt?) Or sometimes I'd respond that I think organic certification is a racket.

I really do think that organic certification is a bit of a racket. Small-scale farmers spend far too much money and time on fees, paperwork, and explaining the nuances of farming to inspectors who don't know how to farm. And agribusiness had too large of a hand in crafting the regulations, so they don't include important considerations such as whether a particular farmer's practices actually nurture the soil and build a healthy integrated ecosystem rather than simply avoiding chemical fertlizers and pesticides.

But a customer who asks whether a business uses all organic ingredients doesn't want to hear a cynical critique of the organic regulatory process. It sounds evasive and dishonest even though it may be the most honest response. But I can be a slow learner and it sometimes take a while to figure out this kind of thing, especially when it comes to marketing.

So this year Patty Pan shifted gears. We began communicating more proudly about the quality ingredients that we use and we began upgrading the handful of mainstream ingredients that seemed like sensible choices when we first started out. And we made a sign proclaiming it to the world. (We call it "the buzz word sign.")

We had an outrageous market season. Sales were off the charts, morale was high, and we felt more love than ever from our clientele. I think the buzz words played a big role. The weather helped, too. We're excited about the future.