Thursday, February 14, 2008

How to be a GREAT Customer

There are all kinds of manuals instructing business people on how to provide great customer service. I think customer service is actually a two way street, and respect should flow both ways. Here are some thoughts from the other side of the counter, basic things that I wish every customer could know. I speak as a farmers' market vendor, but these guidelines could help you be a great customer in all kinds of retail situations.

1. Look for signs before you ask questions.

2. Get your money ready while the vendor is handling their end of the transaction. This saves everyone time.

3. Use smaller bills if you have them or, better yet, exact change.

4. Chatting is a beautiful thing, but if you engage a vendor in conversation when there's a line behind you, they're losing money.

5. If you're waiting in line, decide what you want before you get to the front of the line.

6. Pay attention to how things are flowing. If there's a line in one place, don't stand someplace else and ask for service.

7. Don't hand your garbage back to a vendor. Look around for a trash can. I guarantee, you'll find one.

8. Above all, be respectful.

Have a great day!

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