Friday, February 8, 2008

Wilcox Farms to Stop Producing Milk

Wilcox Farms, a fourth generation family-run operation, will soon stop producing its popular locally made dairy products. Their rBST free and organic milk will no longer be available after March of this year, although they will continue producing cage-free and organic eggs.

They're making the change because they've found it hard preserve their ideals while competing in an industry that's increasingly geared towards industrial-scale production.

I'm always grateful to find reasonably priced clean food, and Wilcox milk has been a great value from a company which seems to have integrity. At the same time, I've wondered how they managed to sell their milk so inexpensively. The clean milk I see at the farmers' market sells for nearly twice their price.

In my own businesses, I've generally found it a good idea to consolidate, keeping things as simple as possible. It's probably a good move on their part to focus on their egg operation. Still, I'm going to miss their products. I wish them well.

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