Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Maximum Satiation Efficiency"

British government officials aren't the only ones struggling with the messy politics of an anti-obesity campaign. The New York state legislature has passed a bill, scheduled to take effect next month, requiring fast food franchises to clearly post calorie counts next to their menu items.

But they've been banging heads with a Dr. David Allison, new president of the Obesity Society, a concerned group of doctors and scientists. Dr. Allison, who has also consulted with the restaurant industry, is arguing, among other things, against "inadvertently encouraging patrons to consume lower-calorie foods that subsequently lead to greater total caloric intake because of poor satiating efficiency of the smaller calorie loads."


If I'm understanding this correctly, the good doctor is arguing that if we eat lower calorie foods we'll just be hungrier, and that will ultimately cause us to eat more.

I wonder how anyone managed before the fast food companies came along to help us achieve satiation efficiency.

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