Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Humble Garden

I've never been much of a gardener, but I really think this could be the year that I manage to grow a little of my own food. I've been picking up vegetable starts at the farmers' markets, mostly in trade, and I have five different varieties of tomatoes, one serrano chile plant, and a couple of basil starts. I put them in the ground earlier this week, and so far I've actually watered them every day.

I also have a wide variety of potted herbs planted in worm compost. Lynn, my plant guru, thinks that's too rich an environment for culinary herbs, and some do seem to be doing better than others. The potted basil plants don't look very happy, but the tarragon, thyme, and rosemary are thriving.

Fresh herbs from the supermarket are overpackaged and expensive and, even though the packages are small, they're usually more than I'm going to use at once, unless I'm catering. The bunches at the farmers' market are bigger and fairly priced, but I still usually end up with leftovers I don't use. I love being able to pick a few leaves off a couple of different plants when I'm preparing dinner. The variety is exciting, and I never waste anything.

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