Monday, September 28, 2009

The Kid and the Cookbook

At the Queen Anne Farmers' Market the other week an elderly woman wanted to buy a copy of my cookbook. She handed me a credit card and I explained that I couldn't process a credit card in the booth. She said, "Okay, run it as a debit then." I sadly told her that I couldn't do that either.

Credit and debit card transactions just take too much time, and those minutes are better spent serving and preparing food. But I was sad that I couldn't sell her the book, and she was disappointed that she couldn't buy it.

There was a boy in line behind her. I'd guess he was about 11 years old. He bought a lemonade, paid me with a twenty dollar bill, and then said, "I'll buy that book for her." I asked if he knew her and he said he didn't. I told him to go quickly and find her.

She came up to me this past Thursday and asked if I had a son, because a boy had found her and given her a copy of the cookbook the previous week. I said I had no idea who he was, but he'd made my day.

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