Thursday, July 22, 2010

Columbia City's New Location

This month the Columbia City Market moved from the parking lot where it's been held for the past 12 years onto the street adjacent to that lot.

The move has been a long time coming. Market administrators have known for years that the lot was slated for construction, and have had their eyes open for a new location. Fortunately, the city dramatically dropped fees for street closures last year.

It's tricky to move a farmers' market. Most of the moves I've experienced have been well thought out and successful, but there are always risks to breaking routines that take time to establish. Columbia City, in particular, always felt like it would be a problematic move. The two or three blocks right near the market have a lot of vitality, but if you go three blocks north or three blocks south, the area has a different feel.

By moving just half a block, the Columbia City market has been able to easily redirect customers: even if they're headed for the old parking lot, they can't possibly miss the market. Some complain about the parking situation because they've lost all the street parking, but I think it's a small price to pay.

I love seeing city streets closed for farmers' markets. The events project a confidence that they don't have when they're tucked away in parking lots. It's as if they're puffing out their chests and saying, "This matters enough to reroute traffic."

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