Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Yearly Artichoke

I usually eat one artichoke a year, and it occurred to me the other day that the season was drawing to a close and I hadn't had one yet.

The sign at the store said "globe artichokes," and this one was particularly round and not the least bit spiky on top, so I thought that was a reference to a specific variety, but it turns out that "globe artichoke" is a generic name for the ones we typically eat.

I steamed it for about 45 minutes, until the leaves towards the center pulled out easily, and I ate it with some seasoned mayo, which I smeared all over the heart once I reached it.

My brother likes to say that eating artichokes is a form of conspicuous consumption because you toss away so much. I say that an artichoke is an experience, starting with the leaves as teasers, then leading in to that sensual heart which tastes that much better because you've had to work so hard for it.

It's really not a lot of food, but when I finish my yearly artichoke, I always feel happily full.

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