Thursday, October 23, 2008

Columbia City Retrospective

Yesterday was the last day of the season at Columbia City Market. It's a relatively long event, running for half of the year, from the beginning of May until the end of October.

We had a good end of the season there, despite the grim economic news this past month. It came down to the weather on Wednesdays in October, which happened to be much better this year than last year, enough to easily compensate for the stock market fear factor. It was comforting for me to realize that many variables influence farmers' market sales, and the overall economy is just one of them.

Columbia City is a kid's market. It's across the street from an elementary school and next door to a park. I sell tons of kids' cheese-only quesadillas there, and also tons of lemonade. Yesterday they were decorating pumpkins in the kids' tent.

Columbia City is also a wonderfully diverse market. It's the only event where my sales take a hit during the month-long holiday of Ramadan.

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