Saturday, March 1, 2008

High Calorie Pesticides-Fact or Fiction?

Here's a snippet I overheard at the bank the other day:

First teller: "My brother is over in Afghanistan and he says the produce there is so much better than the produce here. They spray the stuff here so heavily that you could eat just lettuce and gain weight."

Second teller: "When I was in college the president of the university announced that they were putting extra spray on the produce because so many girls were anorexic or bulemic."

Now, I like to assume there's a kernel of truth embedded in every wild story. Were they spraying the produce with extra nutrients? Are pesticides high in calories? Does anybody know anything about this?


Unknown said...

It's informative well writen with fine photography. We need some one like you in the New York area.

Unknown said...

I don't know if pesticides are laden with calories, but they are endocrine disruptors and could theoretically lead to weight gain via hormone imbalance. Who knows.