Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vegfest this Weekend

I spent this weekend at the 8th annual Vegfest. I've been doing the Vegfest since the very beginning, and I love it and I hate it.

I love the fact that this organization is able to organize 700 volunteers in order to pull off the largest vegetarian festival in North America. It's life affirming. I do believe that, as a species, we need to learn to eat less meat, and this organization certainly does their share towards helping to make that happen.

I hate the fact that it turns into such a feeding frenzy. That's an environment that doesn't bring out the best in people. And I hate being lectured about the purity of my ingredients when I spend most of my waking hours thinking about the best way to eat. I also wish there was more fresh food, and less processed stuff.

For all that, I'll be happy to participate next year, and the year after...

1 comment:

Divazinc said...

Hey Devra,

A little off topic...

At home today, working on taxes and such and I found your postcard advertising this site. Here I am. What an awesome venue for talking about FOOD and current isues around food, etc. I respect what you have to say and will send others here. Thanks for doing this.

Crista in Ballard