Sunday, July 6, 2008


The season's first raspberries began appearing this week on local market tables, a few weeks later than usual because of the nutty weather this spring. I LOVE raspberries, but they do terrible things to my stomach, even one single raspberry, so I just admire them from a distance.

When you're standing next to a table covered with berries, you can smell them, and that doesn't upset my stomach, so I enjoy them that way.

It's been a very slow couple of market days because of the holiday. Both market organizations cancelled their Friday markets this year, but the Thursday and Saturday markets were also pretty dead. Even the berry people had stuff left over at the end of the day and, rather than carry it home, they were giving it away to other vendors.

It's hard to say no to a free flat of berries, even when you can't eat them yourself. My staff enjoyed them.

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