Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Bellevue Farmers Market Cookbook

The wonderful folks at the Bellevue Farmers' Market gave each of the vendors a copy of their cookbook a few weeks back. I was impressed. It has some truly appealing recipes, like Apricot Cheesecake, and Risotto with Spinach and Wild Mushrooms, as well as background and history about the market, and vendor profiles.

There are so many ways to organize a cookbook about local foods. My own cookbook consists of seasonal recipes using fruits and vegetables that grow in most temperate climates. My friend Debra Daniels-Zeller's forthcoming book showcases farms from all over the Pacific Northwest. The Bellevue Farmers' Market Cookbook has a narrower focus--the produce and farmers from one particular market--but it turns into a lens for something much broader, tying together the many elements that go into creating a successful market, and celebrating the entire package.

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