Saturday, June 27, 2009

Berry Conduit

I love strawberries and raspberries but I can't eat them. I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach like I've just swallowed a brick. I used to be able to eat just a couple at a time, but two years ago I ate a single strawberry--the first of the season--and I regretted it, so I don't even try anymore.

The berry vendors at the market tend to trade very generously because their product is so perishable-if they don't sell it today, they can't sell it tomorrow. And I try to never turn down a trade with another vendor so it's not uncommon for me to find myself with a flat of berries that need a home.

When I had my storefront I used to hand them out to to worthy customers. This year I'll be leaving them on my friends' porches. It's a rough job, but someone has to do it.

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