Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Chocolate Connoisseur

  1. This week I read through this lovely little book by Chloe Doutre-Roussel, who I've heard referred to on various occasions as the world's foremost expert on chocolate. She eats a pound a day--only the good stuff--but saves the early morning hours for tasting new, unfamiliar varieties, so she can do so before her taste buds have been clouded by other flavors.

As something of a culinary populist, I had to get past the word "connoisseur" in the title. I'm probably not going to change my chocolate tasting habits and follow the procedures outlined in the book, but I have to admit that I was pleased to learn that she highly recommends my all time favorite variety, Michel Cluizel's Mangaro.

Despite whatever ambivalence I may have had about the idea of learning to be an "expert," as someone who dearly loves chocolate, I found it delightful to read through several hundred pages written by someone who's dedicated her life to this wonderful food.

1 comment:

Cal Orey, Author-Intuitive said...

Gentle, kind review. I'd love to send you my forthcoming book on chocolate...It can be yours for the holidays...I admit while I preach moderation--a couple of times I had a "Lost Chocolate Weekend."