Friday, August 22, 2008

Chile Wreaths

It's chile wreath season! The bright colorful rings are adorning the sides of the tents, making everything feel more festive.

You don't see chile wreaths early in the summer, when there are a limited number of chile varieties around. They make their appearance somewhat later, when there are a rainbow of chile colors available.

Alvarez Farms hangs the most colorful, abundant chile wreaths in town. They use purples and yellows, reds and oranges. Some use just a pair of colors, others use a whole palette.

I first opened my shop in Ballard during chile wreath season, and I decorated it accordingly. I chose paint colors that matched the chiles: oranges and yellows. After the chiles dried and faded, there were times when I looked around and wondered why I'm chosen those colors. The following summer, when I picked up fresh chile wreaths, it was easy to remember.

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